Green Batavia Lettuce

₹19.00 ₹23.00 -18% OFF



Green Batavia Lettuce

₹19.00 ₹23.00 -18% OFF


Product Description

A variety of lettuce known for its vibrant green color, crisp texture, and slightly sweet flavor. - Refreshes with a crisp and hydrating base. - Wraps around flavorful fillings, adding freshness and texture. - Enhances sandwiches with a crisp and nutritious layer. - Fills tacos & wraps, contributing a delicate crunch to each bite. Health Benefits: Hydration Support: with high water content, contributes to hydration. Vitamin Boost: packed with vitamins A and C, promoting overall well-being. Mineral Enrichment: Contains essential minerals like iron and calcium, supporting bone health. Antioxidant Power: rich in antioxidants, aiding in combatting oxidative stress. Digestive Aid: promotes healthy digestion, supporting digestive wellness.